Thursday 24 February 2011

Branding Research Experiment

Had to cut done on the information but you get the idea

Display Boards

I heard during lecture that there was some trouble getting hold of some display boards to exhibit out work on. I have a family member that works for the town council and she uses display boards to for exhibitions provided by her work. She gave me the number of the person I needed to talk to to ask to borrow these boards. I was told that it for fine for us to hire them out for a week free of charge. When I told the class that I could provide these boards I was told that alternative has already been found.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Work to be Exhibited - Three

My laptop broke in the second year between semster one and two so I haven't got all of my work, which is a shame because some of it I wanted to exhibit. So the third piece of work I'm going to exhibit will probably be my dissertation or my Web Application Project which is being done this semester. Or maybe my animation I did ast semester:

Work to be Exhibited - Two

Design Methods and Technological Project. Got good mark for it.

Work to be Exhibited - One

3D Animation word I did in the second year. After handing it in I thought of a few ways to improve it so I'm going to do a little work on it.

Monday 14 February 2011

Concept Ideas

As a group we came up with the following ideas as a theme for the exhibition:

I personally prefer the Best of Britain and Time ideas.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Other Tate Artists 2

Agnes Martin

Think I might use these as inspiration for my personal branding. They are interesting without being distracting or OTT.

Other Tate Artists

Gerhard Richter

Ellsworth Kelly

Research Photos 4

Research Photos 3

This was a small room that was covered in these posters. It was quite good how they were displayed.

Research Photos 2

This picture is of a bed made out of metal. It was called something like "devoid of comfort"

Exhibition Research Pictures

Went up to London on the 2nd of Feb to take photos of exhibitions.

In the last two pictures the floor was covered in seeds which was an interesting idea, from a distance it looked like gravel.